Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

Please Excuse the mess while we clean up the place & Make Improvments

About Us


Welcome to AR15.GURU

It will probably take some serious development time, but the goal of AR15.GURU is to become the first community driven Expert System for AR-15 or MSR shooters. This weapon platform has proliferated over the last decade. Unfortunately, so has the amount of bad information, both about the platform as a whole and about different components and accessories. We are looking to develop a GURU System, aka ask the Guru and the system should hopefully have your answer, if not, it will pose it to the community and then the best community answer will go into the database. SO, WHO is the Guru? No, not me, YOU are, or more appropriately, WE all are. Together we will build a system that is reliable and robust and reliable and that will grow to fulfill whatever the needs of the community are.

We will also bring a news section with both original content, but also link to all of the best of firearms on the web, so if you are a writer, have your own blog, website, etc. Please contact us so we can add you to our feed. Our current and archived content is currently up on Wordpress while we are rebuilding the site. Most of it is review of the major industry shows like NRA Annual Meeting & The SHOT Show, but we are a full NSSF Media Member.


AR/MSR Dealers, Builders & Manufacturers

It is a competitive marketplace out there, particularly right now. You've got to advertise to stay alive. Send us your link, information, etc. and we'll post it on the site. How much to be in our directory? Nothing, it's gratis. You guys have a hard enough of a time out there right now. You help us, we'll help you! That's right, good old link exchange type advertising, put a button on your site some where (aka our logo) and we'll give you a nice shiney spot in our directory. 


New Product Showcase

If you have something new that you want to show the community. Maybe get a little feedback (constructive or not) and just get your name and product out there. Send it to us and we'll post it. How much? Absolutely FREE! At least for right now, so don't ignore the opportunity, afterall the pricing couldn't be better right?

Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Keep in touch!

We are always looking for those particularly knowledgeable individuals to help build the initial expert base. Also, we are looking for developers who can help with the software. 

AR15 Guru

1515 N Warson Rd, Suite 135, Saint Louis, Missouri 63132, United States